Dear Parents and Carers 24/02/2022
As from today there is no longer a legal requirement for staff or children to isolate if they test positive, but it is still recommended that they stay at home and avoid contact with other people for at least 5 full days, and then continue to follow the guidance until having had 2 negative test results on consecutive days.
Science Day – Explosive Food
The Royal Institution spent the day at school yesterday – do ask your child about it if they haven’t told you already!
Job Vacancy at Holy Trinity
We are looking to appoint an experienced marketing officer for Holy Trinity in order to raise the profile of our school and to promote its strengths in our community. The position is part-time for 5 hours a week during term time and would involve mainly working from home/own office, with regular meetings in school.
Please contact Alison for a full job description and salary details or just for an informal chat about the job on
The school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of the children and young people and expects all staff to share this commitment. References and an enhanced DBS check will be sought for the successful candidate
World Book Day
Next week, we will be celebrating World Book Day on Thursday 3rd March. The children are encouraged to come into school dressed as one of their favourite book characters. As always, we are very conscious of our impact on the environment so please re-use costumes where possible or your child may wish to make their costume. If you have any old costumes that you no longer have any use for, then the school would be grateful for any costume donations.
We also have an author coming in on the day. David Mason is a performance poet and a friend of the school who has worked with us on a number of occasions. Over the course of World Book Day, he will perform some of his humorous and energetic poetry to each class and also run a creative writing workshop in year 5. David will be selling some of his books in the infant playground after school. The books are all aimed at primary school children and will include the poems that David will perform on World Book Day. As part of the celebrations, each class will also be taking part in a virtual live author/illustrator session next week
International Coffee Morning
School will be hosting a coffee morning for parents who speak English as an additional language to socialise with others from our diverse, international community. This will take place tomorrow, Friday 25th February between 9-10am in the Kingfisher Hut. Our PTA will be providing and serving refreshments at this event.
International Day – help needed!
Mrs Ahmed and the JLT are planning an International Day in school before we break up for Easter. They would really love your help. If you felt able to offer your time to share some aspect of your country of origin or cultural heritage – cookery, games, artwork, dance etc we would love to draw upon your talents and create a wonderful day to celebrate Holy Trinity’s amazing, diverse community. Do please contact Mrs Ahmed as soon as possible to enable her to plan the day.
Nursery Applications
The closing date for nursery applications for September admission is Friday 4th March. Please download a form from our website or collect one from the school office. This is applicable for children born between 01/09/2018 and 31/08/2019. We also need to take a copy of your child’s birth certificate or passport. Offers for September will be sent out in early May.
School Street
Since June 2020 Richmond Council have introduced 12 permanent School Streets with more set to be made permanent soon. They are also consulting on a trial for a further 3. Further information can be found on the School Street webpage.
The Council has been working with schools in the borough to promote active travel for a number of years, however many schools and parents are still concerned by road safety and air pollution around schools.
We receive many requests for general traffic management and safety improvements that are demonstrated to not be justified, given finite resources, in terms of accidents, speeds and traffic flows.
However, a more moderate approach is taken near schools recognising the particular concerns there are towards children’s safety, active travel and exposure to pollution. Some of these concerns are being addressed by reducing the number of vehicles at school start and finish times.
By temporarily closing roads outside the school, we hope to create a safer, more pleasant environment around the school where the highest concentration of pupils is to be found. We aim to reduce congestion and idling vehicles outside the school gates. The School Street at Holy Trinity CE Primary School was approved to be made permanent at the September 2021 Transport and Air Quality committee and a permanent traffic order is now being made which will also introduce new operational hours – Monday to Friday 8.25 to 9.10am and 3 to 3.45pm, term time only.
Whilst the signage informing drivers is regulation Dept for Transport signage and denotes a legal temporary closure, and regardless of reminders that were sent to the school community explaining the School Street is still operating without volunteers as long as the signage is visible, it has been reported that some cars are still contravening and entering the School Street during the hours of operation. To prevent these contraventions, the School Street is now also being enforced with ANPR cameras.
Residents and certain eligible vehicles may apply for exemption, but vehicles entering the School Street without exemption during the operational hours may be subject to a Penalty Charge Notice (fine).
The Council would like to thank both the volunteers who assisted at the start of the School Street and the school for their continued support.
On the Ball
On the Ball is a sports-based programme of fun and learning. Starting in the Spring & Summer terms it supports parents and their children, aged 5-11, who may have hidden communication needs. On the Ball starts with an essential parent workshop followed by applying for our family activity sessions. On the Ball is run in partnership between Brentford FC Community Sports Trust and Action-attainment CIC. Many families who join On the Ball become regular, weekly attenders of football groups in East Sheen, Palewell Park and Richmond Park Academy. On the Ball explains how children’s hidden communication and sensory needs can affect them socially, educationally and into employment. It demonstrates simple strategies for inclusion through playing games and having fun together as a family. Any questions? Email:
Values Champions
Reception: Rita and Holly
Years 1-6: Ching Yeung, Ayda, Zaraan, Isla, Riaan, Atina, Ellie, Ovi, Leela, Gideon, Sezer, James, Millie, Gustavo, Jessica, Seth, George, Rose D, Ben, Estelle, Lina, Alex, Danielle and Theo
House Points: Rashford
Attendance: Last half term – 93.87%; Year so far 93.55%