Dear Parents and Carers 03/03/2022
World Book Day
Happy World Book Day! It was lovely to see so many children dressed up and excited to be their favourite book
characters today; it wasn’t just the children who entered into the spirit of the occasion though…….
The author, David Mason, is spending three days with us, working with children across school to promote a love of
reading – and encourage creative writing.
World Book Day vouchers will be sent home with the children and can be redeemed for one of the following books.
Sponsored Bounce
Thank you to our PTA and the parent helpers who made the sponsored bounce possible on Tuesday. Much fun was
had and many bounces counted. Certificates will be awarded to the best bouncers in each key stage but the highest
number of bounces recorded by an individual was 130!
Welcome to the classroom.
Next Tuesday morning, 8th March, classrooms will be ‘open’ for you to come in and share some of the learning they
have been doing so far this year. Once the children have been registered, the classroom doors will be open between 9-
10am for you to drop in. If you have more than one child you are welcome to each of their classrooms during the hour.
On March 1st, Year 5 JLT members travelled to Hampton Prep School to attend the Junior Travel Ambassadors'
Seminar organised by Richmond Borough. There, they had the opportunity to participate in various activities linked to
cleaner and sustainable travel. Josie, Charlotte, Marcus and Harry came back with ideas for running competitions to
promote at HT.
Goodbye to the Rutters
Many of you will know and have valued the help of Michelle Rutter who has worked for Riverbank supporting families
at Holy Trinity over many years and of Tom Rutter our school chaplain. Michelle and Tom are moving to Cornwall
which, whilst exciting for them, is sad for our school community as we will miss them. It is Michelle’s last day
tomorrow but Tom will be with us until the end of term.
Holy Trinity School Parent and Teacher Prayer
Our next prayer meeting will be this Friday 4th March @2.30pm – 3.15pm in the Kingfisher Hut. The prayer meeting is
open to all, so please do come along if you are able to. We’d love to be supporting our school community through
prayer, so if you’re unable to attend but have something you would value prayer for, then please do email any prayer
requests beforehand to Nina Barclay at
‘The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms.’ Deuteronomy 33:27
Bike Maintenance Workshops
There will be two 90-minute workshops on bike maintenance being run at 5pm on Wednesday 23rd and Wednesday
30th March in the school hall. Numbers will be limited as participants will be invited to bring their bikes along.
Values Champions
Reception Class: Benedict and Joshan
Due to World Book Day activities, our Celebration Assembly has been moved to tomorrow so our Values Champions
for years 1-6 will be included in next week’s newsletter.
Attendance: Overall 97.24% Penguins 100%
Birthday Books: Thank you to Lilly-Rose in Kestrel class and Lexi in Panda class for their birthday books. We hope you
both had a very happy birthday.
Talking to your children about war and conflict
The situation in Ukraine at the moment means that many children will have questions or concerns. We will try to
answer questions that arise in school, offer reassurance and promote our values of love and community. We will have
a class assembly next Tuesday addressing this issue so that children will have an opportunity to raise anything they
wish and enable it to be discussed in an age appropriate way.
Having considered the best way to respond and support the people of Ukraine, we believe that sending a financial
contribution via the Red Cross seems the fastest and most helpful way to do so. If you or your child would like to make
a contribution, please send it in with your child next Wednesday.
You may also be faced with the challenge of explaining the situation alongside the themes of conflict, war and violence
at home. Although these conversations might be difficult they are also important to ensure your children feel secure
and have an understanding of the world we live in.
The following may be helpful:
– Don’t force children to talk about such things if they don’t want to but do provide time and space to address
questions and concerns they might have.
– Use words and concepts your child can understand. Make your explanation appropriate to your child’s age
and level of understanding.
– Acknowledge and support your child’s thoughts, feelings and reactions. Let them know you think their
questions and concerns are important.
– Be consistent and reassuring, but don’t make unrealistic promises.
– Avoid stereotyping groups of people by race, nationality or religion. Use the opportunity to teach tolerance
and explain prejudice.
– Remember children learn from adults and their conversations; they will be interested in their response to
– Don’t let children watch lots of violent or upsetting images on TV.
– Children may not want to talk or think a lot about these events. Let children be children and let them play and
have fun.