Cloak Room
The children each have their own peg to hang their belongings on each day. We ask you to leave a spare set of clothes for your child in a named bag. The self register is in the cloakroom, each day the children are encouraged to find their name card and place it on the ‘Rainbow class welcome board’ inside the Nursery. This is fantastic practice for name recognition and also helps the children to know who is in Nursery each day.
Construction Area
A fantastic area to build and explore! Full of wooden blocks, ramps, natural resources and additional small world animals and people to support your child’s role play and imagination.
Creative Area
We encourage creativity in all areas of the Nursery, however the Art area is always a good one for the children to explore their creativity further! There are a variety of different resources accessible for the children to use at all times, such as chalk, paint, glue, glitter, string, crayons, pencils, stampers, ink, pens, material, buttons and much more!
Mark making Area
This is an area to develop the children’s mark making skills to encourage fine motor control. There are a selection of different writing tools to explore. Each child has a wall space (a ‘Proud pod’) of their own where they can display their work. We feel sharing the children’s work is a really important part of their self-confidence and development, that also validates their accomplishments. We love to celebrate everyone’s hard work!
Imaginative and Role Play Area
The Home corner is one of our role play areas that always remains the same, we feel it is important to give the children a constant role play that is familiar to them. Here they are able to explore play scenarios being families cooking, cleaning, washing up! Throughout the year our second role play area changes to reflect our learning theme; a shop, Santa’s workshop, a winter wonderland, the Gruffalo’s den or even a beach cafe! Our small world play area also changes to reflect our themes and offers the children an alternative way to explore their imagination with dolls, puppets
Expressive Arts Area
We are all performers in Rainbow Class! This is an area where the children can choose a prop or costume from our treasure trunk and a musical instrument to perform with too. The choice is theirs. I wonder who they will be? Or what songs they will sing? Can they make a new song up? We can’t wait to sing and dance together!
Sensory Area
This includes a sand and water tray, a malleable materials table and a sensory lightbox. Continuous provision of resources enables children to make choices about what and how they would like to play with in this area. From filling socks with sand, measuring and pouring liquids in the water tray, adding herbs, flowers and spices to playdough or exploring natural objects on our lightbox; there are endless ways to stimulate thinking and engage children in exploratory, sensory play.
The Snuggery is our quiet room. It’s a lovely smaller space where the children can go if they would like some quiet time. We start each day here with our daily discussion (days of the week, months of the year, weather, seasons and ‘Book of the week’) followed by an input and then a physical warm up to make sure we are awake and ready to start exploring! Within the Snuggery we also have our cosy reading corner and story basket with resources reflecting the characters and props from our ‘Book of the Week’. All of the books are accessible for the children to choose and look through whenever they would like. The children each have a book bag and can choose a new book each day to share with you at home.