Dear Parents and Carers 06/05/2021
I hope you all enjoyed the Bank Holiday Monday and made the most of the long weekend.
Thank you to all of you who sponsored your child to take part in the Captain Tom 100 Challenges, your donations will be shared between two charities that support our school – Riverbank and LVA.
Our local MP, Sarah Olney visited school last Friday afternoon which she describes as follows in her weekly newsletter:
‘On Friday I enjoyed a delightful visit to Holy Trinity CE School in Richmond to see the children completing their Captain Tom 100 Challenges. The children did everything from 100 painted hand print ‘high fives’ by the nursery to planting seeds, doing maths problems, and running. I was also interviewed by young reporters from the Kingfisher magazine asking me insightful questions about everything from, ’Have you met the Prime Minister?’ to ‘What made you want to go into politics?’
Values Champions
Reception: Patrick, Melody, Anabella and Lev for showing the value of Aspiration.
Years 1-6: Jonalyn, Isabelle, Iris, Isaac, Alex, Bamdad, Hugo, Varvara, Elliott, Lucas, Vicky, Phineas, Mara, Lucas, Caleb, Aisha, Juliette, Eddy, Charlie, Ethan, Eli, Mia, Enayy and Brielle.
Also, special congratulations to Paven from Panda Class who won the ‘Screen your Story’ competition that some children entered during lockdown.
House Points: Pankhurst
Attendance: Overall 97.83% Seals 100%
FUEL Holiday Activities and Food Programme
The Department for Education has provided funding for holiday activities. In Richmond the programme is called F.U.E.L: (Feed Ur Everyday Lives) and will be delivered by Achieving for Children. The F.U.E.L programme will take place over the summer holiday and will offer a range of fun and enjoyable activities and food to children and young people aged 5 to 16 years who are eligible for Free School Meals (FSM). The aim is that the children who attend the programme will be supported:
To eat healthily and understand nutrition
To be more active
To be safe and not to be socially isolated
To learn more about the different services Achieving for Children have available in the local area
All activities are free for children and young people who receive Free School Meals (FSM).If you need support with applying online Holiday Activities and Food ProgrammeSecondary school summer schools or have other enquiries please email: