Measures to keep everyone safe include:
- Staff recruitment and selection – ensuring that all staff have been appropriately checked for their suitability, using the Safe Recruitment procedures.
- Raising awareness of safeguarding issues and equipping children with the skills needed to keep themselves safe.
- Developing and implementing procedures for identifying and reporting cases, or suspected cases, of abuse.
- Establishing a safe and nurturing environment free from discrimination or bullying, where children can learn and develop happily.
We recognise that because of their day-to-day contact with children, school staff are ideally placed to observe the outward signs of abuse. Staff in schools will therefore:
- Report any inappropriate behaviour / activities to designated staff.
- Establish and maintain an environment where children feel secure, are encouraged to talk and are listened to.
- Ensure that children know that they can approach any adult in school if they are worried and they will receive a consistent, supportive response.
- Provide, within the PSHE curriculum, opportunities for children to develop the skills they need to recognise, and stay safe, from abuse.
Follow the link to our Online Safety Policy and Keeping Children Safe (formally Safeguarding & Child Protection) Policy 2024
If you have any concerns about the welfare or safety of a child or young person you can call the Single Point of Access (SPA)
Call 020 8547 5008 from 8am to 5.15pm, Monday to Thursday, and 8am to 5pm on Friday.
During out of hours, phone 020 8770 5000.
The Single Point of Access is a multi-agency team, managed by Achieving for Children, who work closely with a wide range of teams and partner agencies and facilitates different levels of support depending on the needs of the child, young person and their family. You can contact them to request support, or to report a concern about a child or young person.
Early Help can also be accessed by making an online referral through the Single Point of Access using the link below:
Single Point of Access Online Referral
In an emergency or if you think a child is in immediate danger you should call 999.
A further source of information and guidance can be found on the NSPCC website from the link below.