Kingfisher Fund
Holy Trinity Primary School is proud of the welcoming and stimulating learning environment we provide for our children and the quality and breadth of the teaching they receive. The building and facilities have been greatly enlarged and upgraded over the years but maintaining them is an ongoing process and we are continually looking for ways to develop and improve our school.
The Governing Body decided that we would invite all families to make a voluntary contribution – Suggested as £15 per month per single child or £25 per family – to the Kingfisher Fund. The money you give ensures that we can continue offering a safe, nurturing and aspirational environment for your child’s learning.
Most recently your money has enabled us to upgrade the school boiler and the hot water system, and to fund essential repairs to the roof. We were also able to join together with the PTA in order to supply the ‘Read Write Inc’ books that are used in our classrooms as children develop their reading and writing skills.
A future project we are currently working towards is the government required upgrades to our existing IT systems for an improved WIFI service at the school. This will contribute daily to our school life and impact the quality of teaching that we provide for our children.
If supporting the Kingfisher Fund is still on your ‘to do’ list here is a reminder of the payment details:
Sort code: 60-22-03
Account Number: 63531925