Dear Parents and Carers 16/12/2021
We feel very lucky to have been able to celebrate Christmas here at school, albeit in slightly adapted ways. As we approach the end of the term, I would like to wish you all a happy and healthy Christmas. Thank you for your support as we have navigated our way through the ongoing trials and implications of COVID. Just to remind you that school will end at 2.15pm tomorrow and that we plan to re-open for children on Wednesday 5th January – unless the government inform us otherwise between now and then!
We are pleased to announce that Miss Yousif will be joining the Kingfisher Class team as the new teacher from January. We have got to know Miss Yousif over the last half term as she has covered classes at Holy Trinity when teachers have been absent. She has also spent some time in Reception Class starting to get to know the children and is very excited about getting to know them better.
We also want to say thank you and goodbye to Mrs Beith who has been in Penguin Class this term – Mrs Ahmed feels sufficiently recovered from her knee operation and will be back from January.
Reverse Advent Calendar
Thank you to all of you who kindly donated gifts to our reverse advent calendar project. The JLT met with the Salvation Army Leader who explained what would happen to the gifts and how children who otherwise would not get gifts this Christmas would now be able to. The Salvation Army were delighted in the interest that the JLT showed, for their help loading up his car and for the very generous gifts that were donated and said, ‘Thank you once again for arranging the wonderful donations of toys to come to The Salvation Army as we look to support and serve members of our community this Christmas. We are so grateful, and the school, staff, and children were all so lovely and welcoming’.
Early Years Nativity
We felt very blessed once again to be able to hold our Early Years Wriggly Nativity in school this week. We were so proud of the children in Nursery and Reception Class at both of their performances.
Junior Carol Service
In our attempts to respond to try to keep everyone as safe as possible, our Junior Carol Service was held outside in the playground on Monday afternoon instead of at the church on Monday evening. We were once again grateful that the rain held off (just) enabling our juniors to sing their beautiful repertoire of Christmas hymns and songs. It was wonderful to see that so many of you could come to watch and listen too.
Christmas dinner
Our kitchen staff cooked a wonderful Christmas dinner for us on Wednesday. The children all experienced table service by the staff and many looked festive in their Christmas hats.
Christingle Oranges
Much fun was had (and, no doubt, jelly tots consumed) in the making of Christingles. Thank you to Dan, our vicar, for coming to school to lead short Christingle services to explain the symbolism behind the Christingle oranges. Thank you too to those of you who returned the envelopes with a donation to The Children’s Society.
Values Champions
Reception: Mila & Kamil for showing our value of love.
For showing the values of Aspiration, love and community:
KS2 last week: Loch, Sophia, Alex, Leon, Laure, Elliott, Leo, Sophia, Josef, Nina, Isla, Philip, Izzy, Emmanuel, Leo and Albie.
Years 1-6 this week: George, Ishmael, Louie, Lev, Izzy, Anastasia, Francesca, Dominic, Noah, Matheus, Katy, Aiden, Paddy, Taiyo, Alesio, Eesha, Lucas, Anthony C, Isla R, Juliette, Octavio, Elliot and Xiwen.
House Points: Last week – Attenborough This week – Seacole
December Inter House Sports Results: Rashford & Attenborough
Attendance: Overall 94.97%; Eagles 98.30%
Birthday Books
Thank you to Benedict and Elsie in Kingfisher class, Harley in Zebra class and Isobel in Owl class for their birthday books. We hope you all had a wonderful birthday.