Dear Parents and Carers 20/01/2022
House Points Reward
Seacole House won the House Cup the most times last term. JLT proposed that the House Cup winners should be recognised in some way. It has been proposed that they are allowed to wear a top in their house colour (red) – they will be allowed to do this tomorrow (Friday). There was also a raffle for every child in Seacole with a winner in Reception/Key Stage 1, Lower Key Stage 2 and Upper Key Stage 2.
Celebrate the Unsung Hero who makes a difference to your child!
We know that we have a wonderful staff team here at Holy Trinity. Wouldn’t it be great to let others know that too? The ‘Unsung Hero’ Pearson National Teaching Award recognises the understated champions of the school staff in a prestigious, UK-wide celebration of teaching, known as the ‘Oscars’ of the teaching world.
It acts as a morale boost for the whole community, with the entire school family able to get behind their nominee and celebrate what makes their school team so great. Entries are welcome from parents and pupils, it’s easy to enter so do consider entering by 4th March 2022 and show your school hero how special they are. To find out more about the Unsung Hero Award and how to enter, visit
Windham Nursery
Windham Nursery are running a number of playgroups that some of you may be interested in. See the attached flyer for more information about their Little Learners group which is a drop in for families to access Monday-Thursday am. It includes a ‘Fun and tumble’ pm session on a Tuesday and a Baby café on a Monday. The Baby café is a free session for families with babies up to 1 with baby activities available alongside refreshments and support from a member of their staff team.
Kingfisher Fund
Some parents have made us aware that their direct debits for the Kingfisher Fund had stopped unknown to the account holders. They had assumed the school had stopped these. As we are incredibly grateful for these contributions, school has not stopped any of the direct debits to this account so we would be grateful if you could check that if you have set one up, that it is still active.
If you are not aware of the Kingfisher Fund, you may like to consider donating to it in order to help us maintain the stimulating learning environment we provide for our children and the quality and breadth of the teaching they receive. You will no doubt be aware that schools have seen a reduction in funding over recent years and it is becoming increasingly challenging to pay for everything we aspire to offer from the school’s main budget. To maintain our high level of excellent and experienced staff is a top priority accounting for the majority of our expenditure and, therefore, putting pressure on the rest of the school budget. This is spent on all manner of things necessary to provide safe and secure buildings, to improve the learning environment, to develop and upgrade equipment and facilities and to offer memorable experiences that enhance the curriculum. As a response to our financial challenges and in line with the vast majority of other schools, we invite all families to make a voluntary contribution – £15 per month per single child or £25 per family – to the ‘Kingfisher Fund’. We also welcome smaller contributions or one-off donations to the Fund.
Monthly standing orders should be set up as follows:
Account name: Kingfisher Fund
Sort code: 602203
Account Number: 63531925
Thank you in advance for your consideration of this.
Values Champions
Reception: For showing the value of aspiration through their resilience – Nylah and Max
Years 1-6: For aspiration, love and community – Noah, Izzy, Annabella, Alfie, Isabelle, Tim, Niyayesh, Kynthia, Ved, Frya, Lilly, Casper, Mert, Marcus, Phineas, Victoria, Rose B, Dexter, Aisha, Alfie, Esme, Cruz, Nike, Alex
House Points Attenborough
Attendance Overall 95.78% Lions 100%
Birthday books
Thank you so much to Holly and Sophie in Kingfisher class, Will in Giraffe Class and Kynthia in Panda class for the lovely birthday books they have contributed to our school libraries. We hope you had brilliant birthdays!