Dear Parents and Carers 27/01/2022
Tudor Day
In Year 3, Penguins and Dolphins enjoyed their Tudor day! Lots of children dressed up in Tudor costume and
completed a carousel of activities. These included decorating the Tudor Rose, making Tudor houses and Tudor peg
dolls, painting Tudor portraits and even doing some Tudor cooking! They had lots of fun and are very excited about
learning more about the Tudors this term!
Football result
It was great to be able to host our first sporting fixture for nearly two years on Monday. Our boys football team played
some fantastic football and worked brilliantly as a team to secure a 5-0 victory over Marshgate. Goal scorers: Ben (2),
Sammy, Olly, Toby. Player of the match: Cruz. Keep an eye out for upcoming sporting fixtures and results.
Spark Books
From Mr Auton: You may remember from the newsletter before Christmas that Holy Trinity School will be taking part
in the Richmond and Kingston Spark! Book Awards. The awards are even bigger this year with four categories and four
separate titles to read in each category. Some of the books (including all the titles in KS1) will be read to the children
throughout the spring and summer term so that all our pupils will have the chance to vote for their favourite.
However, there are some books in KS2 where the children will be encouraged to select and read the books
themselves. We will have two copies of each title in our school library but I have listed the books below in case some
parents wish to purchase them or take them out from their local library. Once your child has read each book, they just
need to make a note of which one was their favourite so that they can vote later on in the year. Good luck and happy
Ages 7-9 Fiction
● The Accidental Diary of B.U.G. by Jen Carney
● A Dinosaur Ate My Sister by Pooja Puri
● Grimwood by Nadia Shireen
● The Last Bear by Hannah Gold
Ages 9-11 Fiction
● Adam-2 by Alistair Chisholm
● Uma and the Answer to Absolutely Everything by Sam Copeland
● The Valley of Lost Secrets by Lesley Parr
● Wolfstongue by Anna Tromop
For more information, including the titles which have been shortlisted for the KS1 awards, please visit the website
Thank you also to everyone who purchased books during our Autumn Term Scholastic Book Fair. We raised over £300
which has been spent on new titles for our school libraries. Watch this space for details about the upcoming Spring
Book Fair after half term.
Parent Consultation Meetings
We will be holding our parent consultation meetings in the hall between 2 and 7pm on Wednesday 9th February.
Booking will go live at 10am on Wednesday 2nd February. Do please speak to the class teacher if you have any
difficulties attending on this date and they will try to arrange another opportunity to meet with you.
Face coverings
Whilst face coverings have never been recommended for primary aged children, from 20 January, the DfE recommend
that face coverings should not be worn by any pupils, students, staff or adult visitors in classrooms and teaching
spaces. Please do not send your children to school wearing face coverings as we have advice about providing bins to
dispose of them.
Thank you to the vast majority of you who send your child(ren) into school every day wearing the correct uniform,
looking smart and ready to learn. Please send your child into school wearing the correct uniform every day, including
the correct footwear – this includes the days they do PE and wear PE kit all day. If you are unsure of the uniform
expectations please follow this link to our school website
Please also ensure that long hair is tied back (boys and girls) and that the only earrings worn are studs. No nail varnish
is allowed.
Kick Camp
Kick London will be running a fully funded Kick Camp, Monday – Thursday of half term from 9.30-3.30pm for children in
years 1-6. A letter has already been sent out but as places are limited, they will be offered on a first come-first served
basis. If you would like to register your child(ren), do please complete the Kick Registration Form and return to the
school office by February 9 th when members of the Kick Team will collect them.
Carrington Road
Whilst Carrington Road is still officially a School Street, some cars are still eligible to use it around drop off and pick up
times. I have received a message of concern that children and parents are putting themselves at risk by walking in the
middle of the road. Please do take care.
Thank you
Thanks to your generosity, we raised £801.34 for The Children's Society through our Christingle collection and
collections at EYFS and KS1 nativities. We also collected £467.45 on Christmas Jumper Day 2020 and 2021 for Save the
Values Champions
Reception: For showing the value of aspiration – Thea and Callum
Years 1-6: For showing the values of aspiration, love and community – Patrick, Scarlett, Lev, Jesse, Leo, Aleksander,
Elise, Ava, Lois, Mattheus, Dolly, George, Theo, Karis, Luluah, Anna, Violet, Zac, Olly, Isla R, Ella, Milan, Saim and
House Points: Attenborough
Attendance: Overall 91.8% Panda 98.67%