Dear Parents and Carers 03/02/2022
Maths Champions
We are incredibly proud of Alfred, Phineas, Mert and David from year 4 who represented Holy Trinity at Tower House
Maths Competition last Thursday. The children worked extremely hard, in pairs, to complete a series of 15 different
maths challenges and were given only 2 and a half minutes for each challenge. The combined points from both of our
teams meant that they were awarded the 1st place trophy! Congratulations on such a fantastic achievement.
Laugh for no Reason
They say 'Laughter is the best medicine' and the more laughter we have the better! Rebecca Deller (Falcon class mum)
guided us through some fun laughter and breathing exercises during last Friday's assembly. Laughter Yoga is meant to
help boost the immune system, manage stress/anxiety and help to create better relationships with others. Laughter
can help support mental and emotional health, creates positive emotions as well as helping to build resilience. The 30
minute assembly left the children (and staff) feeling recharged and ready for the day ahead!
Class Worship Planners
Mrs Peet convened her first Class Collective Worship 'meeting' one lunchtime this week. The Class CW team
created the slides for Key Stage 2 Class CW next week on perseverance. Mrs Peet was very proud of them all
and we look forward to seeing what they have prepared next Wednesday.
Holy Trinity School Parent and Teacher Prayer
The next prayer meeting will be this Friday 4th February @2.30pm – 3.15pm in the Kingfisher Hut. Everyone is
welcome, so please do come along if you are able to. We’d love to be supporting our school community through
prayer, so if you’re unable to attend but would like us to be praying for you, then please do email any prayer requests
beforehand to Nina Barclay at
‘Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.’ Lamentations 3:22-23
Values Champions
Reception: Zeynep and Amos for aspiration through resilience.
Years 1-6: For aspiration, love or community – George R, Melissa, Ruby, Danae, Jonalyn, Tom, Dominic, Francesca, Elsa,
Victor, Mila, Maya, Shaya, Jeco, George W, Lucija, Verity, Maya, Belle, Charles, Bella, Eddy, Elliot and Brielle.
House Points: Rashford
Attendance: Overall 88.62% Pandas 100%
School Street
Following on from my message last week, I have had further emails from parents asking me to remind parents that
they should not be driving down Carrington Road to drop off their children. Some have complained about
fast/irresponsible driving. Until cameras are installed to enforce the School Street we are reliant on the goodwill and
cooperation of all to make this work.
Following the launch of the School Street, some parents chose to ‘Park and Stride’ – parking in Sainsbury’s car park
then walking up to school. Transport for London are keen to find out if anybody is still doing this to use it as a good
example of the scheme. Do get in touch if you are still doing this.
Parent Consultation Meetings
I hope that you have all successfully been able to make appointments for parent consultation meetings for next
Wednesday. Unless you have made other arrangements with individual teachers, these meetings will be in the hall and
are scheduled to last for 10 minutes – it is crucial that they run on time so please try to be punctual. If you know that
your meeting clashes with pick up time from class, do please arrange for your child to be collected by somebody else.
Safer Internet Day
Next Tuesday is Safer Internet Day. The theme is 'All fun and games? Exploring relationships and respect online’. Do try
to have a conversation with your child about this important issue. Information can be found via the following link:
Inset day
Just a reminder that Monday 21st February is an inset day in school. Children should return to school on Tuesday 22nd
Our wonderful PTA team are planning to step down at the end of the year after a number of extremely successful
years. Lizzie Rolfe, who currently heads up our PTA would love to chat to anybody who is interested in finding out a
little bit more about what is involved and would also be happy to offer any support to the new team in their first year
in post.
COVID Guidance
There have been so many changes, it is easy to get confused. Here is a quick summary:
● Close contacts to do a daily LFT for 7 days, or until 10 days since your last contact with the person who
tested positive if this is earlier
● PCR if you have any Covid symptoms
● LFT for regular testing – if positive but no symptoms, no need to have a PCR, just self-isolate
The easiest way to get hold of tests is to order LFTs online.
When to end self-isolation if you have had Covid symptoms or have received a positive test result
Public Health Teams have shared this summary chart.