Dear Parents and Carers 18/01/2024
The Choir at the O2
The choir had an amazing time performing at the O2 on Monday night. They were part of a choir made up of 8,557
children from many different primary schools. The children performed alongside Urban Strides, MC Grammar, Natalie
Williams and the amazing teenage drummer Nandi Bushell.
Whole School Evacuation Drill
Next Tuesday, 23rd January, we will be having a whole school, off site evacuation drill at 9.05am. Could you please
leave the school premises promptly after drop off to minimise any distractions for the children. Many thanks for your
support with this.
HT Friends Diversity Group
We are having our half termly coffee afternoon on Wednesday 23rd January at 2:30pm. Please do come along if you
would like to share any ideas you have for supporting and strengthening our community or if you would like to be
involved in any of this term's plans. We appreciate that it is hard to find a time that suits everyone so If you can't make
it but would like to be involved, please email or let me know. Hope to see some of you on Wednesday. Best wishes,
Miss Ashby.
Values Champions
Lorenzo, Amber, Aliya, Sidney, Lottie, Oliver, Viktoriia, Doruk, Siddarth, Callum, Kaylee, Teddy, Hania, Zaraan, Alvaro,
Sammy, Isabelle, Nika, Tristan, Aiden, Connor, Sophia, Harry, Summer A, Shaya and Taiyo.
House Points: Pankhurst
Attendance: Overall 96.42%; Heron & Lion Class 100%
Screen Your Story
I am writing to let you know about a writing competition called 'Screen Your Story'. Some of your children may have
taken part in the competition over the last few years. It is a chance for young storytellers to become a published
author and even have their story turned into a film. This year's theme is called 'An Unforgettable Place'. It can be any
place at all, a cupboard, a room, a building, a country, a planet. On land, in the sea – in the head!
Entries must be no longer than 500 words and need to be submitted by 28th February 2024. If your child would like
some tips on giving themselves the best chance of having their writing made into a film, as well as more information
about this year's theme, take a look at the website: Entries can be submitted
directly by email to clearly labelled with your child's name, their age and school name.
Don't forget to also send a copy to their class teacher so that they can see the wonderful writing that is being
produced. Good luck to all the entrants! Miss Jobbins