R.E Progression Map


RE requires pupils to explore the world around them and ask questions. It also allows pupils to question and challenge what they believe, to deepen the foundations of faith for them as an individual as well as have an inclusive approach to understand the faiths of others around them. At Holy Trinity School we endeavour to make sure that each and every child achieves their full potential.


At Holy Trinity School, we follow the syllabus from the Diocese of Southwark, which covers all of the six major faiths – Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism and Islam. There are three strands that weave through each unit: Believing, Thinking and Living. Believing focusses on understanding the different religions and beliefs; Thinking encourages the children to evaluate and reflect upon these beliefs and their own; Living examines how beliefs are put into action in everyday lives. We are always putting the children at the heart of what we do and as part of this we add enrichment opportunities, including an RE focused trip each year by which we hope to instil the value of community and respect for all faiths. This means that throughout a child’s time at Holy Trinity, from Reception to Year 6, they will have had an RE-focused, thought-provoking trip about each of the six major faiths.