Year 2 Curriculum Overview

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English Cold Write
Recount of my summer holidays
Me and You
The Sound Collector
The Journey Home
Perfectly Peculiar Pets
Christmas Letter Writing
Guided Reading
The Rabbit and Bear, Little People Big Dream Rosa Parks
Read Write inc, Spelling
Art Artist: Beatrix Potter
Look at watercolour techniques, brush and wash.

Artist: Picasso – cubism portraits
Look at the work of Picasso. Design own portraits in the style of Picasso. Explore cubism and surrealism.Tear/cut a range of papers to create a collage in the style of
Picasso. Create a collaborative class collage in the style of Picasso.

Number and Place value
Addition and subtraction (including word problems and inverses)
Problem solving
Design Technology Food Technology- Food from around the world.
Learn about where our food comes from and nutrition,
Designing, making and evaluating pizzas
Science Living things and their habitats
Working scientifically
Music Music that makes your dance
Exploring improvisation
Listening and appraising
Composing and evaluating
Computing Computing Systems and Networks- IT Around Us
Creating Media – Digital Photography
Ball Skills and games
Throwing, catching, and aiming for a target
GeographyWeather and seasons in the UK PSHEBeing Me in My World
Celebrating Difference
History Communication now and then – how have communication
methods changed over the years? From hieroglyphs to the World
Wide Web and the important individuals involved.
Light and Christmas


English Recount of the Christmas Holidays
Tadpoles Promise
Mae Jemison
The Owl and The Pussycat
Jim and the Beanstalk
Guided Reading – Hotel Flamingo and Katie Morag and the Two Grandmothers Read Write inc Spelling
Art Drawing:
Draw Van Gogh
Use chalk or pastels to create a Van Gogh
inspired landscape. Use cross hatching. Look at Van Gogh’s still life

Artist: Steve Wiltshire
Use laminate with paint on to draw on to and create your own prints.Use string & drawing into the paint to create
your own prints. Create a cityscape of London landmarks.

Multiplication and Division (including word problems)
Length and height
Mass, capacity and temperature
Problem solving
Design Technology British inventors & construction including:
Alexander Graham Bell
String telephones
Creating and testing strength of reinforced
Science Animals including Humans
Everyday Materials
Working scientifically
Music How does music make the world a better place?
How does music teach us about our neighbourhood?
Computing Programming – Robot Algorithms
Data and Information – Pictograms
PEGymnastics – stillness and transition
Invasion games – hands
Gymnastics – stillness and transition
Invasion games – feet
GeographyAround the world PSHEDreams and goals
Healthy Me
History How Has Transport Changed Over Time?REWhat are God’s rules for living?
Easter symbols


English Vlad and the Great Fire of London
The Dragon Machine
Grammar TAFS
Letter to my new teacher
Cold Write
Revolting Rhymes
Guided Reading – Katie Morag and the Two
Grandmothers, The Butterfly Lion
Read Write inc Spelling
Art Textiles: Artist: Anni Albers, Bridget Riley
Paper weaving & braiding. Dip dye using baby wipes, elastic bands and felt tips.

Artist: Rachel Whiteread, Cornelia Parker –
barns, Edward Hopper.
Model techniques of using wire to create

Links to Great Fire of London

Position and direction
Time for consolidation
Problem solving
Design Technology Making Fire Engines
Sliding mechanisms
Levers and pivots
Science Plants
Working scientifically
Music How does music make us happy?
How does music teach us about looking after
our planet?
Exploring Improvisation
Exploring pulse, rhythm and pitch
Computing Creating Media – Digital Music
Programming -programming quizzes
PE Net and wall games – badminton
Indoor activities / continuing badminton
GeographyLet’s visit AustraliaPSHERelationships
Changing me
History The Great Fire of LondonREJudaism
The story of Noah