Dear Parents and Carers 13/10/2022
Year 2 Great Fire of London Workshop
Year 2 had a lovely time on Monday at their Fire of London workshop, completing art activities linked to this period of
time. They created fire backgrounds using tissue paper and oil pastels and cut out silhouette houses so carefully to
complete their pictures. During the workshop, they were taken back in time to 1666 and re-enacted the main events
of the Fire of London including what happened during the aftermath.
Year 6 Bikeability
Falcon Class (Year 6) have been having Bikeability cycle training this week. The course aims to equip children with vital
life skills as they gain independence, confidence and a sense of wellbeing. The Falcons have had lots of fun too.
Kestrels will have their training next week.
Wellbeing Assembly
Monday was World Mental Health Day so today, Mrs Whiteside led our termly wellbeing assembly and reminded us of
the following:
We also heard about how Miss Brunt (Swan Class Teacher) had persevered and shown great resilience to achieve her
goal. Her goal was to swim the English Channel which she did in 15 hours and 16 minutes, swimming a total of 54 km
(34 miles). She set off in the middle of the night but was spurred on by those in the support boat that followed her
throughout the journey. A true testimony to what you can achieve when you are really determined.
Ms Ahmed
Some of you will have been aware that there was an ambulance on site this morning that took Ms Ahmed to hospital.
Ms Ahmed was not very well and we wanted to ensure that she would get the best possible care as quickly as possible.
We were reassured by the paramedics that she was going to be fine but have no further news at the moment. Do keep
Ms Ahmed in your thoughts and prayers.
Values Champions
We will be having our Values Champions Assembly tomorrow this week so our Values Champions will be included in
next week’s newsletter.
Attendance: Overall 96.14% Herons 98.33%
Young Writers Festival 2022
Arts Richmond Young Writers' Festival is open to all young people who either live or attend school/clubs in the
Borough of Richmond upon Thames. It is a chance to demonstrate writing skills of any form: stories, descriptive
writing, poems, playlets, lyrics for songs-whatever the imagination can devise.
Entries are judged in four age groups with prizes for all winning entries. In addition, Arts Richmond appoints a Junior
and Senior Laureate who will be given opportunities during the following year to write about events taking place in the
borough, for possible publication.
All shortlisted entrants will be invited to a gala awards event in a prestigious venue Spring 2020.
Entry rules are simple: entrants may write about any subject of their choice, in any format (e.g. a poem, story, play
script, news item etc.) not exceeding 500 words or 25 lines for a poem.
ENTRIES MUST BE IN TYPED FORMAT (Handwritten entries will be disqualified)
Extracts from longer pieces will be accepted. All entries must be exclusively the entrants own work.
Please send your entries to
Reception and Year 6 parents please sign up.
Each year in England, school children in Reception and Year 6 have their height and weight checked at school as part of
the National Child Measurement Programme. Holy Trinity has been chosen to take part in this year’s programme after
half term. You are invited to sign up to the electronic Parent Portal where there is further information on the process
and the opportunity to get direct access to results or to opt-out if you choose to. Please see below:
Introducing the Parent Portal (School Screener)
School Health Services will be using a new electronic way of communicating with parents and
carers through a secure web-based portal. Parents and carers of children in Reception and Year 6
are being asked to register on the portal to receive information and register on the 2022-2023
NCMP (National Child Measurement Programme) and to opt out should you wish to, using the
following link:
It’s a really quick process and all you need is an email address which you have access to. Once
registered you can login and add your child/ren’s details. We request that 4-6 weeks after the
measurement has taken place you log into your School Screener account to view your child’s
result letter. The parent portal is GDPR compliant, so both parent and child’s personal data is safer
Sign up today.
Achieving for Children survey
AfC have requested that we share the following link to a survey to help them identify key needs for families at this
time. They are offering prizes as an incentive.
Join Feel Good Fitness
You can sign up to Feel Good Fitness and pay nothing until the 28 December 2022. Available at Pools on the Park,
Teddington Pools and Fitness Centre, Shene Sports and Fitness Centre, Whitton Sports and Fitness Centre and
Hampton Sports and Fitness Centre. Free specially tailored programmes for those new to or returning to exercise.
Over 200 fitness classes available including Indoor Cycling, Zumba and Pilates. Click here for more information.