Dear Parents and Carers 28th March 2024
Eggcellent Fun in STEM Week
Mrs Lambert set the whole school a range of challenges during STEM week, all involving eggs! Much fun was had and
much mess made amidst all the great scientific learning that went on.
NPL Assembly
Four scientists from the National Physical Laboratory came to school on Monday morning to amaze us with some
demonstrations using liquid nitrogen. It was also fascinating to hear about their diverse areas of expertise in the world
of science.
Easter Egg Competition
The Easter Egg competition proved very difficult to judge for our Chairs of Governors due the extremely high standards
and great ideas – here is just a small sample. I’d also like to thank the children for giving me inspiration for my
International Food Festival
Wow! What an amazing day we had sharing our cultures and heritages amongst our community. The children loved
having the opportunity to experience first hand how rich our wonderful community at HT is. I really can’t thank you
enough for all of your contributions, what an amazing and supportive parent body! A HUGE thank you to our HT
Friends group that have helped to organise this event. It was such a success. Please do come and join us at our next
coffee morning /afternoon where we will be catching up and sharing ideas for our International Day in the summer.
Miss Ashby.
Holy Trinity CofE Primary School has a wonderful Instagram account showcasing the fantastic learning, engaging
experiences and events we are fortunate to have and the outstanding and inspiring work the children across our school
are involved in and producing. Please follow us on Instagram using the handle : @HolyTrinityschrichmond
Lindt Bunny Bells
If any of you receive a Lindt Bunny this Easter time and are wondering what to do with its bell, please let Mrs Lambert
(year 6 Leopard class teacher ) have them – she has plans for them in Kampala this summer.
Book Sale
On Tuesday 23rd April there will be a Book Sale opposite the nursery. we will be selling old library books – 5 for a
Attendance: Overall 96.05%; Owls 98.97%
Easter Services and Events at Holy Trinity Church
Please see for full details of services and events taking place at Holy Trinity Church over
Easter. Of particular interest to pupils may be the All Age Activity Morning at 10:30am on Friday 29th March, and a
lively All Age Celebration Service on Easter Sunday.
Miss Jobbins Marathon Effort
Miss Jobbins (Bumblebee Class Year 2) will be running the London Marathon in April 2024 for the Princess Alice
Hospice. She is hoping to raise over £2750 (or more!) for an outstanding charity which supported her and her family
during an incredibly difficult time. ‘Their care, dedication and support was unlike anything we had ever received’ she
quoted. Please donate if you can by using the link below or scan the QR code:
Easter Egg Hunt
Final word….
I want to take this opportunity to say thank you for sharing your wonderful children with me during my time at Holy
Trinity. I have loved getting to know them, and many of you as well, and feel privileged to have ended my career in
teaching at such a wonderful school that is part of such a special community. Thank you too for the very generous gift
that I received from you today – most unexpected and so very kind.
I am pleased to be handing over to Emily Evans who will work with the amazing staff team here throughout the
summer term. I will also pray for the next headteacher to emerge and that they will have the wisdom and strength to
take the school on the next steps of its journey.
Have a wonderful Easter.
Alison Bateman
School will finish at 2.15 today for the Easter holidays. There is an inset day on Monday 15th April so children are
due back to school on Tuesday 16th April.