Dear Parents and Carers ,
We have had another wonderful week in school filled full with various trips, workshops and rounded off with a whole school assembly celebrating our diverse community. It has been fabulous to see so many children wearing and sharing their national dress with such pride!
Trips, Visits, Events
Year 2 trip to the Tower of London
On Tuesday 22nd April, Year 2 went to the Tower of London to learn more about and experience what life was like during ‘The Great Fire of London’. We travelled up by train, took part in a magnificent ‘Fire, Fire!’ workshop, met and questioned Beefeaters, saw the Chapel and White Tower and even had the chance to see the Crown Jewels. A great learning experience and so much fun! Thank you to all the parents who supported the trip, we can’t do it without you.
Butterflies and Ladybirds visit to Holly Lodge
This week the Year 1 classes visited Holly Lodge to take part in a workshop about plants. We have just started our unit on plants so we had a fabulous day learning new facts and thinking about what we would be learning this term. We had great fun dispersing seeds and also pretending to be bees that fly around pollinating flowers! We enjoyed our leaf search and planting our own Basil plant to take home. Our walk there took us through Sheen Common where it was wonderful to spot so many deciduous tree leaves growing. Of course, a highlight was enjoying our picnic lunches! What a fabulous morning out.
Skateboarding Workshops
On Wednesday, our children in years 4-6 had the opportunity to take part in several skateboarding workshops as part of an opportunity to share different sports involved in this summer’s Olympic games. During the workshop, they learnt how to move and control a skateboard and also worked on some jumps and tricks alongside our communication and teamwork skills. The workshops were hugely successful and all the children really enjoyed trying something new! They were all keen to talk about it afterwards…here are some of their thoughts:
‘I learnt a new trick! It was ace!’
‘It was such fun, please can we do it again?’
‘I thought I was quite good already but definitely improved my tricks!’
Thank you to Mr Callaghan for arranging this experience for our children.
Choir trip to East Sheen
On Tuesday afternoon, the junior choir visited East Sheen Primary School, alongside other schools, to practise for the Richmond Music Trust’s Rose Theatre singing festival. Each school learns different song parts, so it was wonderful to hear a harmonious collaboration. We are looking forward to the performance just before half-term.
Sponsored Bounce
Our annual fundraiser, the Sponsored Bounce, took place on Thursday! The children used various strategies to bounce as many times as possible in a minute to raise valuable funds for our PTA and school community. Thank you so much to all the parents who enabled this to happen, I’m sure you were counting in your sleep on Thursday evening! Please do remember to send in your sponsorships, as ever we are so very grateful for your support.
Year 4’s International Assembly
Today we enjoyed a wonderful international assembly, led by Year 4 . They modelled costumes from around the globe, shared with us the number of languages spoken in our school and filmed them being spoken. Year 4 parents shared some delicious food from across our global community and Miss Jobbins was tasked with sampling it! We all left the hall feeling very privileged to be part of such a wonderful, diverse community at HT. Thank you Woodpeckers, Owls and all the staff and parents/carers for all your efforts and giving us such a fabulous start to our Friday!
Message from Mrs Evans
What a wonderfully busy week it has been here at Holy Trinity. It was a pleasure to be able to see the Year 4s performing for the school and their parents/carers – they did such a brilliant job. Their assembly was such a celebration of the diversity within our Holy Trinity Community and the overarching message of “All Made in God’s Image.” It also encouraged us to reflect on the value that these differences bring to our community and encouraged us to take time to find out more about and learn from one another. It was lovely to see so many children sharing a variety of languages with the school and I am looking forward to seeing how many staff took up Year 4’s challenge and learnt greetings in some of these during the day. I have had the pleasure of visiting some of the classes again during my time here this week – including Nursery this afternoon – and have been impressed by the focus and care that the children are showing towards their learning. This morning I also had the chance to spend some time with Marvin – our school based mentor from KICK – to hear about some of the work that he is doing with pupils across our school.
Thank you again this week for your kindness, support and positive feedback. It is very much appreciated. I hope to meet those of you that I have not had the chance to meet up to this point very soon. Have a lovely weekend!
Notes and Requests
Safeguarding incident
We were informed of a safeguarding incident at another local school which involved an adult entering their site at pick up time and attempting to collect a pupil under false pretences. The school has informed us and other local schools in order to support us in being vigilant and to help us to safeguard our own communities. We would like to remind you that if there are changes to the pick up arrangements for your child to please inform us of these in writing to the school office or class teacher. If the school has any concern, a call will be made to parents/carers for clarification. Thank you for your continued support with this in order to keep the children within our community safe.
Phonics briefing for Year 1 parents
Mrs Brown and Miss Jobbins will be running a phonics screening check information session on Wednesday 15th May from 9-9.30. Please could Year 1 parents attend this to find out more about what this process involves and what your children will be doing. This will be held in the hall, please come around to the school reception. Thank you.
Kitchen Equipment
If you have any surplus kitchen equipment at home we would happily rehome anything in good working order for our D&T food technology units; e.g. whisks, wooden spoons, measuring jugs, mixing bowls, garlic presses, baking trays… Just drop them into your child’s class or bring them to the school office. Thank you so much in advance!
Values Champions
Congratulations to this week’s values champions:
Amelia, Ayden, Ania, Hin, Ege, Anni, Morgan, Ben, Emily, Max, Scarlett, Lenny, Isabelle, Mudasir, Anna, Sonny, Paven, Oliver, Kayson, Katarina, Freya, Jamie, Emily, Phin, Gustavo and Elliott.
Overall: 94.36%;
Well done to this week’s winners: Bumblebees with 100%
House Point Champions
Congratulations to this week’s winners, Rashford!
PE Star Award
We have introduced a new, weekly award for PE. Every week one pupil across the school will have the chance to win the PE star of the week award, this will be a small trophy that will be awarded in celebration assembly and taken home and returned on the Monday after. It does not always need to be the best sports person as we are focusing on effort and attitude and those who show our school values. Congratulations to Katie, our first winner!
Miss Jobbins’ London Marathon 2024 – Thank you!
A massive thank you to all of you who donated and supported my London Marathon 2024 journey. Your kindness and support has been like nothing I have received before and I am very grateful! Overall, a total of £4000 was raised for the Princess Alice Hospice. Thank you! Miss Jobbins.
Diary Dates
- Tuesday 30th April – Miss Latin’s orchestra performance
- Monday 6th May – Bank Holiday
Community, Events & Initiatives
Dear ADHD Community,
We have a new online 6-week Parenting Course: Maximising Cooperation, Self-Reliance and Self-Esteem. Find out how to bring out the best in your junior school-age children (age 4 to 11 years old) with ADHD and related conditions. Noel Janice-Norton, Director of ‘Calmer Easier, Happier Parenting’ will help parents reduce conflict in their household and create a happier and calmer environment for the family.
What is the course about?
This six-week online course is specifically designed for parents of junior school-age children with ADHD and related neuro-developmental challenges. It will help parents understand the causes and contributing factors of when an ADHD child is struggling with behaviour, learning, social skills or self-esteem. The course will explain the benefits of a positive, firm, and consistent parenting approach to guide children towards the ‘Big Five’ goals that parents of ADHD children often seek advice about: cooperation, confidence, motivation, self-reliance, and consideration. Sessions will cover strategies to help parents with these behaviours.
What behaviours will the course address?
–Children with an extreme temperament: very sensitive, intense, impulsive, inflexible, who often have a discrepancy between average or above-average cognitive ability but immature emotional development
–Weak executive function
–Rudeness or verbal aggression
–Preoccupation with screens
–Below-average receptive and/or expressive language
–Sibling rivalry, jealousy, bullying, teasing, bickering, fighting
–Routines for problematic flashpoints: mornings, mealtimes, sibling relationships, screen dependency, homework, peer relationships, independent play, bedtimes
When does it run? This 6 week course will run on Wednesday evenings from 8 May to 19 June (except 29 May) – 8pm to 9.30pm.
Cost of course: £120 per person/£60 for second parent
How do I book? Click here
Best wishes,
ADHD Embrace Team
Touch Typing Courses at Richmond and Hillcroft Adult Community College during this May half-term break and the summer.
Wishing you a happy and restful weekend, Miss Ashby.
Instagram: @HolyTrinityschrichmond
Join our Instagram, tag us in your school pictures if you’re happy for us to share.