Dear Parents and Carers ,
We have had a great week in school, despite the weather trying to keep us inside! This week’s highlights have been our wonderful performance from Miss Latin’s orchestra and Miss Matheson’s assembly celebrating world laughter day which is on Saturday. It has been proven that laughing is good for us. It can reduce feelings of stress and put us in a more positive, happier frame of mind. This is a message also reflected in the Bible: Proverbs 17v22: ‘A cheerful heart is good medicine.’
Trips, visits and events |
Owl’s Forest School morning
This week, the Owls had their Forest School session and had a great time. They made jewellery inspired by the Anglo Saxons, got creative in the mud kitchen and observed the wildlife in the pond. They definitely got the best day for the weather with glorious sunshine!
Orchestra performance
In Singing Assembly on Tuesday, Miss Latin’s Orchestra gave a wonderful performance of a Blues piece they have been practising in Orchestra club. We were very impressed with their improvisation skills and how well they played in time with each other. A huge well done to Iris, Emilia, Josh, Juliao and Isaac!
Message from Mrs Evans |
It has been another busy week here at Holy Trinity. I have really enjoyed spending some more time in the classrooms – seeing Year 5 tackling their fractions problems was a highlight – and this morning I was able to lead another worship with the whole school. Today we focused on 1 Thessalonians 11v5: “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” We looked at migrating geese as an example of strong teamwork and then considered examples in the sports world that have learnt from how the geese behave – taking it in turns to lead, encouraging one another through the way they communicate. We then identified who makes up our team – including parents, governors and other members of the team that we do not see all of the time such as our cleaning team. We thought about what a good team member does and recorded some of these to create a piece to be displayed in the hall. Some of the ideas included: being kind, following rules, listening, sharing thoughts and ideas, helping and being positive. We then reflected on the fact that in teams there can be ‘leaners’ and ‘lifters’ and that whilst there will be times for all of us when we need help (leaning on others) that we must also ensure that we do our part in ‘lifting’. We closed in prayer led by one of our Year 4 pupils and joined together to sing ‘My Lighthouse’. It was an incredibly uplifting time and really set the day well.
Notices and requests |
Sports kit sale
On Thursday 23rd May we will be holding a secondhand sports kit sale on the 3G. Cash donations to raise money for our school. If you have any kit (not just Pe kit), trainers or boots that are in good condition and looking for a new home please hand it in to the office for Mr Callaghan by Friday 10th May. Please label them with size or age so that we can organise them into the correct age groups.
Curriculum update
We have updated and enriched our curriculum plans on our school website to give you a deeper insight into the knowledge and skills the children will be learning about in each subject area. Some of the subject areas now have themes that connect up their learning between different topics and subjects too. Click here to have a look!
Home Learning
We are in the process of reviewing home learning. In the interim period please can I reiterate that our focus is on daily reading, regular mental maths and times table practice, weekly spellings and some comprehension activities/CGP books for years 5 and 6. Our optional tasks really are optional and there to support you if your children would like to have a go at them. Please do not feel pressured to complete these, please focus on the other areas as a priority. Any queries do ask us, you can catch up with us on the gate or drop us an email.
Phonics briefing for Year 1 parents
Mrs Brown and Miss Jobbins will be running a phonics screening check information session on Wednesday 15th May from 9-9.30. Please could Year 1 parents attend this to find out more about what this process involves and what your children will be doing. This will be held in the hall, please come around to the school reception. Thank you.
Kitchen Equipment
If you have any surplus kitchen equipment at home we would happily rehome anything in good working order for our D&T food technology units; e.g. whisks, wooden spoons, measuring jugs, mixing bowls, garlic presses, baking trays… Just drop them into your child’s class or bring them to the school office. Thank you so much in advance!
Celebrations! |
Values Champions
Congratulations to this week’s values champions:
Elias, Shin, Cracie, Zachary, Alina, James, Victoria, Eevie, Holly, Alex, Keyaan, Lenny, Amelia, Theo, Isabella, Anastasia, Ava, Dolly, Leila, Aadya, Dolly, Augustin, Keira, Nayan, Zeynep and Cian.
Overall: 97.2%;
Well done to this week’s winners: Herons and Dragonflies with 100%
House Point Champions
Congratulations to this week’s winners, Pankhurst!
PE Star Award
Congratulations to this week’s winner, Shimiao!
Dates for your diary |
- Monday 6th May – Bank Holiday
- Wednesday 8th May- Year 3 and 5 to the Royal Festival Hall
- Thursday 9th May – Year 4 trip to the Thames Explorer Trust
- Friday 10th May – Year 5 trip to Holly Lodge
Community events and initiatives |
You are warmly invited to one of our fabulously fun and social PTA events…
Wishing you a wonderful bank holiday weekend, hoping the weather brightens up for us all! Miss Ashby.
Instagram: @HolyTrinityschrich