Revd Eils Osgood

Co-Chair of Governors

Andy George | email


Francis Neal | email

Francis Neal

Francis Neal

Co-Chair of Governors

Francis began in 2016 as a parent governor, progressing to foundation governor and now is Co-Chair. He is an active member of St Mary’s Church, Mortlake where he got married and had all three children christened. They have all attended HT, before moving on to secondary school. Being a governor has enabled him to contribute to the life of the school, play an important part in the community and help HT live out its Vision of loving learning, each other and God. Francis’ background as a surveyor and project manager has brought useful skills to the governing body particularly in his role as Link Governor for Health & Safety. In addition to sitting on the Resources committee, Francis chairs the Pupils, Parents & Community Committee and is the Safeguarding Governor. He lived across the road from his small rural primary school, a great advantage when running late for registration, and his early memories are of summer afternoons playing rounders.

Revd Dan Wells

Rev Dan Wells

Rev Dan Wells

Vice Chair of Governors

As the vicar at our link church since 2018, Dan is automatically a foundation governor at Holy Trinity. He loves the role regardless, seeing how much the school invests in their pupils and the positive experiences they enjoy. Before becoming a vicar, Dan was a secondary school teacher, focusing on Maths and IT. He is on the Resources Committee and is Link Governor for RE. Dan recalls some excellent teachers from his own primary school days who believed in and encouraged him so is delighted when he sees similar relationships developing at HT.

Sophie Brunt | email

Staff Governor

Rushabh Haria | email

Local Authority governor

Richard Bennett | email

Parent governor

Chris Milsom

Parent Governor

Uel Barclay | email

Foundation governor

Paula Frew | email

Foundation Governor