Our Behaviour Policy
In response to the feedback on the surveys from pupils, parents/carers and staff in the summer term, we have decided to revisit our behaviour policy. Our aim is to make our system more consistent, transparent and to ensure that our whole community feels better supported. We also hope that the new system will support our pupils in successfully reflecting on their actions including how they can make a change.
We spent one of our INSET days focusing on this, considering the questions that we could use to ensure that we get the perspective of all involved when dealing with a behaviour concern, considering how we should all respond to certain behaviours and agreeing how we can ensure that communication around behaviour is more open between us and our families. We hope that all of this will lead to us strengthening the relationships across our whole community.
We have created a first draft of our new policy which we will be trialling this term – you can see a copy of it below: