Welcome to our learning journey at Rainbow Nursery
For many children, Nursery is the very beginning of their learning journey. At Holy Trinity we are developing an Aspiring and rich learning environment that encompasses the seven areas of learning within the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum. The continuous provision of resources encourages children to learn through choice based play, developing creative and critical thinking through their interests.
Communication & Language
Makaton Signing
Through stories, songs and poems we give the children the opportunity to experience a language rich environment; enhanced with visuals and Makaton signing to support early language development. Encouraging the children to develop their listening and attention skills, to answer and ask questions. We share our thoughts and ideas together.
Personal, Social & Emotional Development
Building relationships,
Self regulation,
Personal management
We help the children to understand their own feelings and the feelings of others, developing their emotional vocabulary to express themselves and share ideas. We encourage a ‘can do’ attitude and use the Zones of Regulation to help our children communicate their feelings. We model how to form friendships, nurture positive attachments and develop cooperative play.
We spend time helping our children continue to improve their understanding of their self care needs.
Physical Development
Fine motor,
Gross motor,
The Rainbow class learning environment is designed to provoke curiosity and encourage our learners to explore and develop their physical development. With its own outdoor learning area, it is an excellent continuation of the classroom providing children with the challenge and space to explore their physical capabilities. Physical activity is an integral part of each day where the children are encouraged to dance, jump, run, climb, balance, propel scooters and tricycles to develop gross motor skills and have confidence in negotiating spatial awareness.
Activities such as threading, completing puzzles and malleable, sensory play encourage fine motor skills, improving strength and dexterity required for holding a pencil and mark making.